Our Bedrooms
Each of Durslade Farmhouse’s bedrooms has it’s own unique character and style, featuring original artwork by Hasuer & Wirth’s artists and locally sourced vintage furniture. With the whole house to yourself, you and your guests can choose a bedroom that suits each individual during your stay.
Master Bedroom
The first of the six bedrooms is the Master Bedroom, adjacent to the Dining Room, and the largest bedroom in the house with views over the lawn towards the Gallery. A previous owner of the bed has made carvings in the wooden frame. One is of a couple; in another, one of the figures has been scratched out. Unusually, there is also a bread oven located near the fireplace, which may indicate that this room was used as a kitchen at one point.

Graffiti Bedroom
The room has green tones, a feature fireplace and a tapestry-upholstered sofa to provide an additional area to unwind. One of the walls is covered in writing and drawings. This has been left deliberately because it shows a trace of a previous inhabitant. As most of the marking is pretty much indecipherable, it leaves you free to guess its meaning.

Pipilotti Rist Bedroom
A partition wall has been left as an original feature in this bedroom. This was added in the late 1970s to create a bathroom, which has also been left as it was. Using the existing bedroom walls as the colour scheme, the room features vintage wallpaper and has been painted a warm dusty pink.

Brass Bedroom
Full of character and lively details, this room’s vintage wallpaper has been left untouched, although the walls have been treated. The American Victorian brass bed has an unusual design and is a strong presence within the room.

Niki & Jackie’s Bedroom
Up a second set of stairs you will find the secret attic room. Sitting in the eaves of the Farmhouse, this charming bedroom is light and refreshingly different to the rest. Taking in the history of its previous occupants, the doors still feature the name stickers of Niki and Jackie Gilling, which is where the room name comes from.

Paul McCarthy Bedroom
Taking Paul McCarthy’s wallpaper as inspiration, this bedroom features a vibrant blue colour scheme with views looking out towards the Gallery.

Each bedroom features its own ensuite bathroom, offering either a shower or a bath. From the attic Nicky and Jackie bedroom which boasts a roll-top bath with scenic views over the fields, to the retro blue bathroom with a shower conveniently next to the Paul McCarthy bedroom, there is something to discover in every bathroom.